Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - QSO-24-13NH- Revised Guidance for Long-Term Care Facility Assessment Requirements

  • Date 06.20.2024

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - QSO-24-13NH- Revised Guidance for Long-Term Care Facility Assessment Requirements

Memorandum Summary

• Under the “Minimum Staffing Standards for Long-Term Care (LTC) Facilities and Medicaid Institutional Payment Transparency Reporting” final rule, the requirements for Facility Assessment have been revised.  These revised requirements have been moved to 42 CFR 483.71.  Existing regulations at 42 CFR 483.70(f) through (q) have been redesignated as paragraphs (e) through (p), respectively.

• CMS is issuing revised guidance for State Survey Agencies and long-term care facilities (LTC) on the revised requirements.

 CMS QSO-24-`13-NH


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