Healthy Seniors Dental Program
The Healthy Seniors Dental Program was established and designed with the goal of meeting the dental and oral health care needs of residents in Long Term Care nursing facilities. Having dental care available on-site may be the answer to the question, "How do we meet the residents' needs for appropriate dental care in our Long Term Care facility?"
Unfortunately, many Long Term Care Facility residents experience poor oral health due to reduced professional dental services. As healthcare providers we know that many older adults often have a variety of reasons for why dental care is so vital, it may be something as simple as a resident taking a specific medication.
Research also shows the association between oral and systemic health for this population. The effect of residents not having much needed dental care links to possible associations between chronic oral infections to diabetes, heart disease, lung disease and even strokes.
Deductibles or co-pays are not required for the healthy Seniors Dental Program participant, as long as the residents receives their oral care from the Program's Network Dentist and Dental Team. All residents of the facility are eligible to participate in the Healthy Seniors Dental Program.
For additional information on the Healthy Seniors Dental Program and how it can help you and the residents at your facility, please complete the short form at the bottom of this page and submit.